Kaksi henkilö pöydän ääressä keskustelemassa
Kaksi henkilö pöydän ääressä keskustelemassa

Finnish Association of People with Physical Disabilities & Citrus Solutions for better digital accessibility

Accessibility in web service design means acknowledging the diversity of people. Accessible services are easy to use and understand.

Accessibility of a web service

As accessibility can refer to the design and development of the physical environment, it can also refer to the intangible environment, such as websites and other digital services. In terms of equality, accessibility of an online service is just as important as accessibility in the physical environment. (The Finnish Association of People with Physical Disabilities, https://www.invalidiliitto.fi/en/finnish-association-people-physical-disabilities)

The starting point of accessibility planning is that the solutions are designed to serve everyone. This means that the needs and for example, physical or cognitive limitations are acknowledged in designing the services. (The Finnish Association of People with Physical Disabilities, https://www.invalidiliitto.fi/en/finnish-association-people-physical-disabilities)

For accessible services

The Finnish Association of People with Physical Disabilities promotes and develops the possibilities for people with physical disabilities or functional impairments. The focus of the advocacy work is to make Finland more equal and accessible for all. 

A significant channel to influence is the web service Invalidiliitto.fi. The Finnish Association of People with Physical Disabilities was in search of a new partner for its online service and chose Citrus Solutions. 

We expect our partners to commit to cooperation according to the values of our organization. Developing the service from the point of view of both accessibility and, for example, information security is a long-term effort. The cooperation has started great. Communication with the Citrus Solutions professionals is open and humane."
Sinikka Rantala, Communications Director, The Finnish Association of People with Physical Disabilities

Accessible web services as a goal

Citrus Solutions is proud to be a partner of The Finnish Association of People with Physical Disabilities. The CEO of Citrus Solutions, Henry Kaunislehto, emphasizes how mutual principles guide everyday work. 

The partnership is perfectly in line with our strategy that defines our work as significant for society. We work towards a common goal, according to common values. The accessibility of online services is important. We take pride in being able to promote an equal and accessible Finland."
Henry Kaunislehti, CEO, Citrus Solutions

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Contact for more information: 

The Finnish Association of People with Physical Disabilities
Sinikka Rantala, Communications Director

Citrus Solutions Oy
Joni Pinomäki, Chief Solutions Officer