Web service compliance - what does it mean?
”Sääntelymukaisuus ei ole vain velvollisuus – se on osa laadukasta ja luotettavaa verkkopalvelua”, kertoo Saara Perho Lawder Oy:stä.
Compliance for online services means that the service meets the requirements set by legislation and regulations. Businesses and public administrations need to ensure that their services comply with regulations, as failing to do so can lead to significant penalties.
Saara Perho, CEO of Lawder, a sister company of Citrus Solutions, has specific expertise and experience both in the areas of web services business as well as legal and regulatory compliance. Saara will open up the compliance aspects:
"Compliance for web services covers many different areas, including data privacy, data management, accessibility and cybersecurity. Services must be designed and implemented to comply with existing legislation and other regulatory requirements."
The starting point for compliance requirements for web services is the laws and regulations laid down at EU level. Key regulations affecting compliance for online services include:
Ensuring regulatory compliance for web services requires a wide range of expertise – a combination of legal knowledge and technology. Many organizations use Compliance Officer services, where experts assess the regulatory compliance of online services and offer suggestions for improvements.
In addition to design, the service may also include ongoing maintenance and process optimisation to keep online services up to date in an ever-changing regulatory environment. In practice, ensuring compliance means:
Developing web services based on regulatory compliant and user-friendly solutions does not require reinventing the wheel, but can build on best practices that work across a wide range of contexts.
Privacy by Design means that compliance thinking is built into the technical implementation of an online service from the design stage. Saara points out that taking regulatory requirements into account should not be an afterthought.
“Compliance must be integrated into the development process even before any service path or content has been designed for the web service."
Privacy by design not only reduces risk and ensures a better user experience, it also helps ensure that the online service is sustainable in the face of changing regulations. Proactive design reduces risk and helps ensure regulatory compliance throughout the lifecycle of the service.
Compliance is not only a legal obligation, it also improves the quality of services and increases user confidence. Transparent, secure, and accessible web services stand out and can be a competitive advantage for organizations.
Joni Pinomäki, Chief Operating Officer at Citrus Solutions, recommends applying the Privacy by Design principle to all online service development - not only for privacy, but also for AI, data management, accessibility and cybersecurity.
"Often compliance is seen only as an obligation, but compliance can also act as a competitive advantage. When it is part of the development of web services, it not only meets legal requirements, but also supports better business."
How can you ensure that your online service complies with the legal requirements?
Contact us and let's build a regulatory compliant and future-proof online service together!
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”Sääntelymukaisuus ei ole vain velvollisuus – se on osa laadukasta ja luotettavaa verkkopalvelua”, kertoo Saara Perho Lawder Oy:stä.
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