In our work, we have the opportunity to be involved in many interesting projects. We asked Citrus employees to nominate their favorite customer projects from 2022 - the project that received the most votes was the Varha website project for the Varsinais-Suomi Wellbeing Area.

An interesting and demanding project began in familiar circumstances

The web service team of Citrus took the responsibility of developing the website for The website brings together the social and health services of 27 different municipalities as part of the welfare area reform.

Citrus had previously implemented the website project. Fortunately, we also succeeded in this tender and were able to continue our cooperation with familiar contacts in the new organization. The project's initiation felt natural, and we quickly got up to speed.

The transfer of up-to-date information at the core of everything

The most crucial background function of the website was to get the Service Information Bank (PTV) integration to work in a way that each municipality is responsible for its own data management and updates.

The need for integration was clear right from the start of the project because we wanted to get the Service Information Bank's database up and running with the new web service as soon as possible. It was a prerequisite for starting operations. Together with Varha, we arrived at a solution where we utilized the most straightforward approach in the integration, centrally managing data in PTV and bringing it into Drupal through the OUT interface.

Citrus' web service team has previously implemented complex integrations for several clients. Varha's team also had a clear understanding of the project-related tasks from previous projects, which set the collaboration on the right track right from the beginning.

The collaboration went extremely smoothly. In addition to our weekly meetings, communication was possible with short notice from both sides. As a project manager, I want to commend Citrus' excellent, highly knowledgeable, and quickly responsive team, which knew how to guide the discussion in the right direction at the right time. The Varha team impressed us from the very beginning with their knowledge of Drupal, ensuring that we were all on the same page.

Efficient and fun team members on both sides ensured that the overall atmosphere remained positive, and the work was not only interesting but also enjoyable.

You can learn more about the social and health services, hospital services, and rescue services of the Varsinais-Suomi Wellbeing Area on the website.

Varha received a certificate of honor in celebration of the voting result. Thank you, Varha, and congratulations!

In the picture from left to right: Web Communications Coordinator Taru Sinkkonen, Communications Planner Eeva Hämäläinen, Project Manager of Minna Ervast, Web Editor-in-Chief Harri Falck, and Communications Planner Maija Ryyppö. Photographer: Heidi Pyhälahti.